Category Archives: MyWi

My MyWi is Back!

Thanks to Limera1n for the Jailbreak, I am now able to get my MyWi working again for my iPhone 4 iOS 4.1 Since Cydia have acquired Rock, all my purchase at Rock have been transferred to Cydia.  Thus, I need … Continue reading

Posted in Jailbreak, Limera1n, MyWi | Leave a comment

[How-To] – Enable Internet Tethering for Celcom

By default you cannot see the “Internet Tethering” feature General –> Network settings.However, when you enable with the below Celcom settings, you will be able to see the “Internet Tethering” and also the camera icon at the SMS app (for … Continue reading

Posted in celcom, How-To, Internet Tethering, iPad, iPhone, MyWi | 4 Comments

MyWi 3.x Crashed after iOS 4 Jailbreak

The main reason for my Jailbreak is to ensure I can get MyWi for my Internet Tethering needs. However, after today’s Jailbreak of the 3GS, I found out that my purchased/licensed MyWi is unable to be install properly. I tried … Continue reading

Posted in iOS 4, Jailbreak, MyWi | Leave a comment