Bugdroid – A Great Story to Tell

I received my first Bugdroid from DX.com but found that it was defect with an antenna fell off. I posted a photo to Google+ Android Collectible Community. Someone pointed out that it was a fake Bugdroid from Series 1. I bought at USD 4.90 but the actual market price for the original now (it was collector item) cost about USD 80-100.
Someone willing to sell his Series 1 item (similar like the fake one) with a starting price of USD 120. Another person responded that he is willing to pay for USD 200 if its legit.
The topic became a hot one and another person bid for USD 500! That’s it!
I was quite surprised when I woke up this morning to find out that the simple photo topic became a hot discussion and a lucky guy managed to sell his collection at USD 500! Kudos!

About Mazlan Abbas

IOT Evangelist
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